2025 Color Guard Auditions

Informational Meeting: May 2025
Color Guard Audition Camp: May  2025

Color Guard Info Packet
(Includes Audition Forms)

Brief summary of what Color Guard involves along with printable sign up forms.

Audition Camp Sign Up
(Digital Form)

Sign up digitally by
by May 14th.

OHHS Progress Report Form 

Print this and give to all your teachers to sign. Turn in at audition camp.

General  & Extra Info


Color Guard is a performance art. We visually bring music to life through dance and theater with the use of flags, rifles, other equipment and props. We perform & compete with the OHHS Wildcat Show Band.


All students who will be in grades 9-12 within the Oak Harbor School District, including those who are homeschooled, may audition to join the OHHS Color Guard.


Our auditions are not done in a traditional manner. We are willing to offer a team position to any student that shows zeal and commitment to learning all aspects of our program (dance, act, spin) along with committing to our rehearsal and performance schedule. Every team member has a purpose within our shows. When one is missing because they don't know their part, it throws off the balance and the whole team suffers. Students will only be able to learn and progress in their skills if they attend all rehearsals. 

Because this activity does require a lot of physical exertion, we need to make sure parents/guardians are aware and allow their students to participate. An info packet that includes an “Audition Agreement” will be available online and must be signed by a parent/guardian. It must be submitted before Color Guard Audition Camp begins.


We have an Informational Meeting students and their parents/guardians. This year, it's being done right before the first day of camp begins; on May 14 at 5:30pm in the band room. Meet the instructors, current team members, learn more about the program, how auditions work & ask any questions.

If parents/guardians can’t make it to the meeting or have additional questions, send the instructor an email at guard@ohhsbandboosters.com.


Students will learn alongside current members and learn basics in flag spinning, rifle spinning, dancing and acting. We will teach students everything they need to know and supply the equipment. We HIGHLY recommend you come to each camp day as you will learn something new that ties in with what was taught the day before. 

Students will need to wear athletic attire that you can stretch and sweat in (NO jeans and no hoodies), wear gym shoes, bring knee pads & a refillable water bottle. We also ask that anyone with longer hair bring something (hair ties) to keep it off of their face. We don’t care if your hair is messy, you just need it off of your face and out of your way. No hats or beanies.


On the last day of camp, student will decide if they want to audition for the team. They will perform the audition routine as a group, unless they choose to audition individually. Students will receive audition results before they leave that day. If offered a position on the team, students have until May 21st to officially accept their position on the team. As stated above, we want students to be fully committed to our program and our schedule, so we leave the final decision up to them. Directions and info on how to accept an offered position will be given on the last day of camp.


There will be a REQUIRED parent meeting on May 28th at 6:00pm (in the band room) for all members where you will meet staff, get schedules and get measured for your uniform. You will  then return in August for REQUIRED Color Guard Camp along with two weeks of Band Camp (3 weeks total). Here is the 2024 tentative schedule:

Color Guard Camp (OHHS): August 5 - 9, 8:00am - 3:00pm 
Band Camp (OHHS): Aug 12 - 16 and Aug 19 - 23, 8:00am - 3:00pm
September - November: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 2:30pm - 4:00pm* 
September - November (with Show Band): Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm*

*Note: This was last season's schedule.  Subject to change depending on this season's approvals.

These camps teach students specific techniques and skills for performing as individuals, as a Color Guard team and as part of the OHHS Wildcat Show Band. These are required in order to properly prepare students for their first performance which happens usually the first week of school, at the first home football game. This program is a "grow as you go" type of activity. Each rehearsal builds onto their show, leading up to their completed show which is used for football half time performances and more important, the band competitions in October. 

After school rehearsals will vary depending on approval for the upcoming school year. Times shown are from the previous year and will be similar but days, may vary. Official team members and their parents are always updated via our BAND app group and email.


Help us keep this program open and FREE to all students who want to participate. The OHHS Band Boosters is a valid 501(c)3 tax exempt organization recognized by the IRS.


We are the OHHS Color Guard
at Oak Harbor High School in Oak Harbor, WA.
We bring music to life with the use of flags, rifles and sabres mixed with dancing and acting.


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