Color Guard Leadership 2024/25

As our program grows, a Captain, Co-Captain & Lieutenants  are needed to help lead the Color Guard & Winter Guard seasons. When the season calls for it (when the show requires multiple sections), section leaders may also be chosen to make sure that every member is able to get the help they need. 

Do not be afraid to apply for leadership. You are not just thrown in without guidance. As you have experienced, our goal is to train you not only with guard skills but to build your confidence as an individual and as a team. That includes Honesty, Dependability, Responsibility, Respect of Authority, Respect of Peers, and ability to work well in all situations. These are needed not only in guard, but in all manners of life. We are here to help you build and practice those skills. Your instructors will teach you and your former leaders (alumni) will be available to help you. 

NOTE: 2023/24 was the the first year we had separate leadership auditions for the winter season. We will determine whether new/restructured leadership is needed for winter by overviewing the fall season and conducting interviews.

Leadership Info Packet
(Download & Print)

Download and print at home,
fill it out manually .
Due by May 14th.

Leadership Application
(Digital Form)

Option to upload/attach your
essay available on the digital form.
Due by May 14th

Leadership Auditions 

Being chosen for leadership is a privilege, and can be revoked at any time if the staff sees fit. It is a leadership role that requires self-discipline and dedication. As a member of the Wildcat Show Band Leadership, you must fulfill any leadership team duties assigned by the Band Director, Color Guard Instructor, other staff members, or Drum Major(s). 

Leadership Auditions Day - May 20, 2024, 5:30pm -8:30pm in the Band Room.
Your actions and performance during Audition Camp and previous seasons will also be considered as part of your audition. 

Position Descriptions

Captain: Responsible for assisting the color guard instructor(s), keeping the team on track, offering help to those having trouble with choreography/skills, making sure that everyone is prepared for all games and competitions (this includes hair, make-up, accessories, and proper uniform), and being the overall leader and example for the rest of the guard. It also goes without saying that this member should be one of, if not the most proficient member of the guard. It is expected that you will work collaboratively with band director, guard instructors, drum major(s), section leaders and any additional staff.

Co-Captain: Responsible for assisting the Captain with their duties when warranted. Also assisting the color guard instructor(s), helping members learn choreography/skills, and leading practice when the Captain is working with other members or speaking with the color guard instructor(s) and/or band director. It is expected that you will be proficient and work collaboratively with the Captain. It is at the discretion of the band staff to select more than one person as a Co-Captain for a season. No guarantee that a Co-Captain will be selected.

Lieutenant: Simply lead by example, by how you  support your Captain/Co-Captain, how you follow direction, respond, react and make yourself available to members needing help with not just choreography, but providing additional information when needed. You will have tremendous influence over the newer/younger members of the team and with this you have the opportunity to have a positive impact on their experience as performers.  You will constantly be looked to as an example of what is acceptable behavior both at rehearsal and at social functions. It is a great responsibility and you must always remember that you need to set a good example by being a team player.

Students auditioning
for leadership

must meet the following requirements:

Be a current Oak Harbor School District student and have completed ONE of the following:
- at least one marching season with the OHHS Color Guard
- at least one marching season with Show Band (non-Color Guard) PLUS one season with OHHS Winter Guard.

Application Requirements:
- Fill out the Audition Agreement for 2024/25.
- Fill out the leadership packet, complete with all questions answered and attached essay.
- Create original choreography - see below.
- Participate in an interview that will be conducted on Leadership Audition day.
- Exhibit quality leadership skills; Honesty, Dependability, Responsibility, Respect of Authority, Respect of Peers, and ability to work well in Band during all times leading up to auditions. While the packet matters, your everyday attitude & behavior will be judged on the same level.
- If chosen for a leadership position you must attend all rehearsals, leadership meetings/trainings, competitions, and football games.

Audition Packet Inclusions

Create Original Choreography

- You must create 1 minute of choreography (around 120 counts) to the music of your choice.
- You must be able to show that you have an understanding of basic body movement & flag. For weapon skills, basic beginner’s knowledge needed.
- You must complete a A COUNT SHEET (download countsheet template here) and turn it in to the instructor by May 17th, 2024.

Submit your song choice to your instructor via email or BAND app message no later than May 17th, 2024. Include the name of the song, artist and include the time position in the song as to when your choreography will begin.

Your Interview

- You will sit with and answer a few questions from your instructor(s)
- You will perform your original choreography on audition day. Bring your music with you (just in case).
- You will then teach an instructor at least half of your choreography.

Your Essay

Please write a short essay of 300-400 words answering these questions, and include it with your application.

- Why are you applying for leadership?
- Why do you think you are a good candidate for leadership?
- How does flexibility, helpfulness and compassion help as leadership attributes?
- How might this leadership experience benefit you beyond your high school years?
- What is your favorite memory of being in the Color Guard?
- Describe your past experience in the Wildcat Show Band, what you enjoyed most and what suggestions you have to boost the program.
-Include additional information about yourself: strengths, weakness, challenges, etc.


Help us keep this program open and FREE to all students who want to participate. The OHHS Band Boosters is a valid 501(c)3 tax exempt organization recognized by the IRS.


We are the OHHS Color Guard
at Oak Harbor High School in Oak Harbor, WA.
We bring music to life with the use of flags, rifles and sabres mixed with dancing and acting.


Color Guard Info Packet
(Includes Audition Forms)

Brief summary of what Color Guard involves along with printable sign up forms.

Audition Camp Sign Up
(Digital Form)

Sign up digitally by
by May 14th.

OHHS Progress Report Form 

Print this and give to all your teachers to sign. Turn in at audition camp.

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