OHHS Band Classes

These are the current band classes offered at Oak Harbor High School.

General Band Supply List is HERE.
Guitar Class Supply List is HERE.

Concert Band

The Concert Band is our 9th grade band class. Students learn the first lessons in high school rehearsal skills, music literacy, and new ways to play instruments. Concert Band combines with the other band classes to form the marching and pep bands for parades and sports events.

Prerequisites: Any student who completes 8th grade band or orchestra is encouraged to enroll. Exceptions by audition.
9th grade Percussionists should take Percussion Ensemble and Concert Band B

Jazz Band

The Jazz Band is our most advanced class of jazz music. Students learn advanced practice techniques, music literacy, and team skills. Jazz Band combines with the other band classes to form the marching and pep bands for parades and sports events along with competing at band contests. This class has required after-school performances.

Note: This class meets during 0-period. Audition with band teacher required.

Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band is our mid-level band class. Students learn a variety of music and music literacy skills. Symphonic Band combines with the other band classes to form the marching band for parades along with competing at band contests. Symphonic Band students are invited, but not required, to participate with pep band.

Prerequisites: Any student previously in high school band is encouraged to enroll. Exceptions by audition.

Wind Ensemble

Wind Ensemble is our most advanced class of traditional band. Students learn advanced practice techniques, music literacy, and team skills. Wind Ensemble combines with the other band classes to form the marching and pep bands for parades and sports events along with
competing at band contests.

Prerequisites: Audition with band teacher

Concert Jazz

Concert Jazz is our first class in jazz music. All instrument types are encouraged to enroll, no instruments will be turned away. Students learn the basics of jazz styles, music literacy, and performance skills. Concert Jazz combines with the other band classes to form the marching and pep bands for parades and sports events. This class has required after-school performances.

Prerequisites: Any student previously in any high school band or orchestra is encouraged to enroll. Exceptions by audition.

Percussion Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble focuses on drumline and concert percussion performance skills. Non-drummers who have been in band or choir previously are encouraged to enroll! Percussion Ensemble combines with the other band classes to form the marching and pep bands for parades and sports events. This class has required after-school performances.

Prerequisites: Any student previously in 8th grade band, choir, or orchestra is encouraged to enroll. Exceptions by audition. 9th grade Percussionists should take Percussion Ensemble and Concert Band B.

Guitar Class

Guitar Class is for new and returning students who want to play Guitar. Students learn professional band skills, music literacy, and new ways to play their instruments. New players welcome, we have school instruments available! Guitar Class has required after-school performances, but does NOT participate in Pep Band or Parades.

Prerequisites: None. Owning your own instrument is preferred, but school instruments are available.

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