- Band & Guard Families - Fundraiser success

“It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.” – The Once-ler

Basic Info

Drive dates: June 24th through August 31st!
All forms & donations must be submitted by August 31st.

Who can be a Biggest Fan?
YOU! That's right, all parents, family members, friends and any individual, local or non-local that is not representing a business. Fan levels start at $5. 

Who can be a Sponsor?

Any business, big, small, brick & mortar or online. Sponsor levels start at $50.

What about you?
- Parent/guardian, YOU are your student's biggest supporter! Sign up & donate as a Biggest Fan. 

How You can Help Make this Successful

We have to work together to get the BEST results!

  1. First, write down a list of family, friends and businesses to contact and share our drive with. They do not have to be local. Anyone can contribute!
  2. WALK IN to your favorite local business with a brochure or with website on your mobile device. Talk to them about our band/guard and our need for sponsors. Ask if they would like to join as a sponsor to support music & performance art at OHHS. REMINDER: Students MAY NOT advertise or ask for donations/sponsors.
  3. Share via USPS  (snail) mail: We have printable brochures with forms available. You may download HERE and mail them to those on your list. Be sure to have your student write a short letter telling them how important this fundraiser is and about the programs they are involved with.
  4. Share via social media: We have Facebook events set up. RSVP as GOING and then INVITE all those you would like support from. Be sure to contact them privately to let them know more about it as well.
  5. Share via email or text: You can send a personalized note along with our digital brochure and/or the address of the main drive page from our website or your personal fundraising page. 
  6. MOST IMPORTANT: Students may not share, advertise or ask for donations. Because the Band Boosters are a separate entity from the school, parents/adults are required to do the work (state laws for booster clubs). If students are caught working this fundraiser, all the funds will not go directly to the Band Boosters, but to the OHHS ASB.

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