Wildcat Show Band

These are the current extracurricular band activities offered at Oak Harbor High School.

What is It?

The Wildcat Show Band incorporates the drumline, front ensemble (pit), wind players and color guard into one unit. It begins rehearsing in the summer and continues through football season. Some schools refer to this activity as Marching Band. Performances include all varsity football home game halftimes, marching band competitions, and various parades. The Show Band is the most visible element of the OHHS band program.

Show Band is an extracurricular activity and voluntary for all ninth through twelfth grade students. Scroll down for additional information

Sign up form for the 24 Show Band & Color Guard is NOW available. Click on the button below to sign up.

If you have any questions, you'll want to contact us as our new band director is currently in the middle of moving.

Oak Harbor High School Color Guard & Winter Guard

Color Guard

Color Guard visually brings the band's music to life through dancing and acting while spinning flags, rifles, sabres, other equipment/props. They always perform & compete with the Wildcat Show Band.

No experience is required. No band class requirement. 

They will take any student who is willing/eager to learn, committed to the program and its schedule, which is in addition to the Show Band schedule. 

Why Join?

Freshmen are highly recommended to participate. This is an opportunity to get to know the school and the other students early, and become a member of the Wildcat Band Family. Those who participate will become a part of a huge group of friends before school even starts.  

  • Band members, it is fun to move and play, and you will play louder than you have ever played before. 
  • Guard members, it is fun to express yourself through dance & acting while spinning and throwing equipment around the band members.
  • It is fun to have many people happy-screaming at you while you move and/or play loud.
  • You get the travel and meet other bands. The Wildcat Show Band plans to go on two competition (contest) trips in 2024.
  • Band members receive extra points towards lettering in band.
  • Band members get first choice of band instrument lockers and uniforms.
  • Make friends. Band & guard members will not be lonely on the first day of school. They will see familiar faces which puts their mind at ease and helps with first day jitters.


The are NO fees to join Show Band.

Students will be required to buy some equipment and/or personal attire (we can help)

Membership requirements

Be enrolled in a band class OR have already completed an OHHS Band Class. Returning students do not need to be in any band class.  
 New wind & percussion students must be enrolled in a band class.
Color Guard members do not need to be enrolled in a band class.

Band Camp

- Aug 12-14 (8am-12pm): Percussion & Front Ensemble 
- Aug 12-14 (8am-3pm): Color Guard
- Aug 15, 16, 19-23, 26 & 27 (8am-3pm): All band & guard sections!
- Aug 28-30 (3pm-8pm): All band & guard sections. NOTE: Tentative, may be changed.

Sometimes band camp conflicts with new student orientation, and we excuse students from those days.

Football Game Performances
Show Band performs at all OHHS Varsity home games. 2024 tentative schedule is HERE.

If You Are Absent
You leave a hole in the form, which distorts the band’s shape and this can cause safety issues. Unexcused absences from regular rehearsals or band camp may result in being removed from the band or limited performance privileges.

Band Sectionals
Some band sections will choose to have extra rehearsals outside of the regular rehearsal time. More info will come as band camp gets closer.

Required Equipment

Do not let an equipment or financial issue stop you from becoming a part of this exciting team! If you have any concerns or issues, talk to Mr. Petty or the Band Boosters. We can provide creative solutions!


- Earplugs
- A big, opaque water bottle. No little plastic bottles, get an insulated cooler that holds at least a quart.
- BLACK Marching Band Shoes.
     - Preferred brand: Dinkles
     - ROTC Shoes are not acceptable. Black dress shoes are not acceptable.
     - Students moving from another school with other shoes: those shoes should be ok.
     - Shoes are for performance not practice, but some students get 2 pairs and use one for practices.
- 100% BLACK shirt & socks
     - No stripes, logos, patterns, or holes.
- A flip folder with 15+ pages.
     - Tubas get flute flip folders. Stores between here and Interstate 5 sell flip folders with 5 pages, and extra pages for cheap. Comparable prices can be found online.
- A lyre to hold the flip folder. They can be bought in town or online for less than $20. Flutes and tubas should get the special “flute” flip folders that strap onto your arm. Trombones should get flip folders that attach to their bell without a lyre. Percussion students do not need a lyre.

Instrument-specific supplies:
- Brass: Valve oil.
- Woodwinds:
     - Cork grease.
     - Reeds. Plastic preferred for marching band.
          - Size-3 reeds or harder, and at least 4 reeds, so you can rotate them each week OR
          - Plastic or fiber-product reed is recommended, but not required. If you get a plastic reed, you will only need one, and it won’t be affected by the weather.
- Percussion:
     - Drumsticks, any kind.
     - Practice pad.
     - Marching snare drums: “Innovative Percussion - Paul Rennick 2” or “IP - PR2”.
     - Sticks will be provided for other instruments.

Most students bring their own instrument. You may want to consider an alternate instrument for outdoor use. If you are getting a “step-up” instrument for high school / post-high school, you should keep your old instrument for marching band. Please see the chart below.

Specific brands/styles required. Click HERE to view links to required and suggested brands for items listed below, contact guard staff via BAND app group or email guard@ohhsbandboosters.com for more info or if you have questions.

- Earplugs
- A big water bottle
     - No little plastic bottles, get an insulated bottle or a cooler that holds at least a quart.
- Long sleeved black compression shirt
- Warm Up Pant (style coming soon)
- Color Guard Shoes
     - Dinkles Stinger Frontline in BLACK
- Guard Gloves
     - Tan color
- Knee Pads
- 100% Black Crew (or longer) Socks
     - No ankle/no-show socks. No stripes, logos, patterns, or holes.
- Makeup brushes
     - No sharing. Everyone must have their own set.

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